The act of writing oue’s name under a written instrument; the affixing one’s signature to any document, whether for the puriiose of authenticating or attesting it, of adopting its terms as one’s own expressions, or of binding one’s self by an engagement which it contains. Subscription is the act of the hand, while attestation is tlie act of the senses. To sub- scribe a paper published as a will is only to write on the same paper the name of the witness ; to attest a will is to know that it was published as such, and to certify the facts re-‘ quired to constitute an actual and legal publication. In re Downie’s Will, 42 Wis. 06, 76. i A written contract by which one engages to contribute a sum of money for a desig- nated purpose, either gratuitously, as in the case of subscribing to a charity, or in consideration of an equivalent to be rendered, as a subscription to a periodical, a forthcoming book, a series of entertainments, or the like.

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