If the plaintiff in a plalut in the mayor’s court of London has attached property belonging to the defendant and obtained execution against the garnishee, the defendant, if he wishes to contest the plaintiff’s claim, and obtain restoration of his property, must issue a scire facias ad dis- probandum debitum; if tlie only question to be tried is the plaintiff’s debt, the plaintiff in appearing to the scire facias prays stct billa “that his bill original.” i. e., his original plaint, “may stand, and that the defendant may plead thereto.” The action then proceeds in the usual way as if the proceedings in attachment (which are founded on a fictitious default of the defendant in appearing to the plaint) had not taken place. Brand, F. Attaehin. 115; Sweet. STET PROCESSUS. Stet processus is an entry on the roll in the nature of a judg STEVEDORE 1110

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