In criminal law. To procure another to commit perjury. Steph. Crim. Law, 74.

Categories: S


Persuading or inducing someone to commit criminal act or an unlawful act like perjury.

Categories: S


In criminal law. The offense of procuring another to take such a false oath as would con- stitute perjury in the principal. See Stone v. State, US Ga. 705, 45 S. E. 030, 9S Am. St. Rep. 145; State v. Faliey, 3 I’ennewill (Del.) 504, 54 Atl. 090; State v. Geer, 40 Kan. 529, 20… Continue Reading SUBORNATION OF PERJURY

Categories: S


One who suborns or procures another to commit any crime, particularly to commit perjury.

Categories: S


Lat In Scotch practice. A demand of more than is due. Bell. Plus exempla quam peccata nocent. Examples hurt more than crimes. Plus peccat author quam actor. The originator or instigator of a crime is a worse offender than the actual perpetrator of it. 5 Coke, 99a. Applied to the crime of subornation of perjury.… Continue Reading PLURIS PETITIO

Categories: P


Fraudulent subornation or concealment, with design to darken orhide the truth, and make things appear otherwise than they are. It is committed (1) bywords, as when a witness swears falsely; (2) by writing, as when a person antedates acontract; (3) by deed, as selling by false weights and measures. Wharton. See CRIMEN FALSI.

Categories: F