Entity assignment as estate administrator or executor by this court -issued document. Necessary if no will (intestate) for the deceased’s estate. Refer to Letters of Administration.

Categories: L


Lat. In the civil law. Intestate ; without a will. Calvin.

Categories: I


Lat. In the civil and old English law. An intestate; one who dies without a will. Dig. 50, 17, 7. Intestatus decedit, qui ant omnino test anion turn non fecit; ant non jure fecit; aut id quod fecerat ruptum irri- tumve factum est; aut nemo ex eo hsercs exstitit. A person dies intestate who either… Continue Reading INTESTATUS

Categories: I


In the law of Intestate succession. According to the roots or stocks; byrepresentation; as distinguished from succession per capita. See IJEB STIRPES; PER CAPITA.

Categories: I


as used in a statute excluding one found incompetent to executethe duties of an administrator by reason of improvidence, means that want of care andforesight in the management of property which would be likely to render the estate andeffects of the intestate unsafe, and liable to be lost or diminished in value, in case theadministration… Continue Reading IMPROVIDENCE

Categories: I


In Roman law. Thehwrcditas was a universal succession by law to any deceased person, whether suchperson had died testate or intestate, and whether in trust (ex fidcicommisso) foranother or not. The like succession according to Prsetorian law was 6onorum possessio.The liwrcdilas was called “jaccns,” until the licrrcs took it up, i. e

Categories: H


The grant of authority to administer upon the entire estate of a decedent, without restriction or limitation, whether under the intestate laws or with the will annexed. Clemens v. Walker, 10 Ala. 108

Categories: G


In English law. A freehold estate of inheritance, absolute and unqualified. It stands at the head of estates as the highest in dignity and the most ample in extent; since every other kind of estate is derivable thereout, and mergeable therein. It may be enjoyed not only in land, but also In advowsons, commons, estovers,… Continue Reading FEE-SIMPLE

Categories: F


A person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in his will, and to dispose of the property according to his testamentary provisions after his decease. Scott v. Guernsey, 60 Barb. (N. Y.) 175; In re LambĂ•s Estate, 122 Mich. 239, SO N. W. 1081; Compton v. McMahan, 19 Mo. App.… Continue Reading EXECUTOR

Categories: E