Dispossession; a deprivation of possession; a privation of seisin; ausurpation of the right of seisin and possession, and an exercise of such powers andprivileges of ownership as to keep out or displace him to whom these rightfully belong.3 Washb. Real Prop. 125; Probst v. Trustees, 129 U. S. 182, 9 Sup. Ct. 263, 32 L.… Continue Reading DISSEISIN

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That which may cease or determine upon the happening of a certain contingency. 2 Bl. Comm. 121.As to determinable “Fee” and “Freehold,” see those titles.

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Deforcement Is where a man wrongfully holds lands to whichanother person is entitled. It therefore includes disseisin, abatement, discontinuance,and intrusion. Co. Litt. 2776, 3316; Foxworth v. White, 5 Strob. (S. C.) 115; Woodruff v.Brown, 17 N. J. Law, 2G9; Hopper v. Hopper, 21 N. J. Law, 543. But It is appliedespecially to cases, not falling… Continue Reading DEFORCEMENT

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In old English law. A tithing or decennary; the precinct of a frankpledge; consisting of ten freeholders with their families. Spelman.

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Lat. One who held one-lialf a virgate of land. Du Cange. One of the ten freeholders in a decennary. Id.; Calvin. Deccnnier. One of the dceennarii, or ten freeholders making up a tithing. Spelman.

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An obsolete writ, to require a defendant to fence in his court or land about his house, where it was left open to the injury of his neighbor’s freehold. 1 Crabb, Real Prop. 314; Rust v. Low, 6 Mass. 90.

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Writ for electing a coroner. A writ issued to the sheriff in England, commanding him to proceed to the election of a coroner,- which is done in full county court, the freeholders being the electors. Sewell, Sheriffs, 372.

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A writ of assise which lay where a nuisance had been committed to the complainant’s freehold ; either for abatement of the nuisance or for damages.

Categories: A


The certain established rents of the freeholders and ancient copyholders of a manor; so called because they are assised, or made precise and certain.

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A thing annexed to or belonging to another thing and passing with it; a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is more worthy; as an advowson, common, etc., which may be appendant to a manor, common of fishing to a freehold, a seat in a church to a house, etc. It differs from… Continue Reading APPENDANT

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