Exclusive claim or right to a time-limited-time owning and using a land parcel or other asset. Contrast to a freehold interest; it is for an undetermined period. Agreed-to by written lease. A valuable asset on its own as it can be traded or mortgaged like a physical asset.

Categories: L


Tenant / renter / lessee-held real property on a fixed-term lease that returns to its freehold owner / lessor.

Categories: L


I. Frank tenement, or freehold. (1) The military tenures (abolished, except grand serjeanty, and reduced to free socage tenures) were: Knight service proper, or tenure in chivalry; grand serjeanty: cornage. (2) Free socage, or plow-service: either petit serjeanty, tenure in burgage. or gavelkind. II. Villeinage. (1) Pure villeinage, (whence copyholds at the lord’s [nominal] will,… Continue Reading LAY TENURES

Categories: L


A freehold estate in lands or tenements secured to the wife, and to take effect on the decease of the husband, and to continue during her life at the least, unless she be herself the cause of its determination. Vance v. Vance, 21 Me. 369. A competent livelihood of freehold for the wife of lands… Continue Reading JOINTURE

Categories: J


A species of injury by ouster or amotion of possession from the freehold, being an entry of a stranger, after a particular estate of freehold is determined, before him in remainder or reversion. IIu- lick v. Scovil, 9 111. 170; Boylau v. Deinzer, 45 N. J. Eq. 485, 18 Atl. 121. The name of a… Continue Reading INTRUSION

Categories: I


The placing in possession of a freehold estate; also the granting of tithes to laymen.

Categories: I


Under the Saxon organization of England, each county or shire comprisedan indefinite number of hundreds, each hundred containing ten tit kings, orgroups of ten families of freeholders or frankpledges. The hundred was governed by ahigh constable, and had its own court; but its most remarkable feature was the corporateresponsibility of the whole for the crimes… Continue Reading HUNDRED

Categories: H


In old English law. A hundredary or hundredor. A name given tothe chief officer of a hundred, as well as to the freeholders who composed it. Spel. voc.”Hundredus.”

Categories: H


In English law. The inhabitants or freeholders of a hundred, ancientlythe suitors or judges of the hundred court. Persons impaneled or fit to be impaneledupon juries, dwelling within the hundred where the cause of action arose.Cromp. Jur. 217. It was formerly necessary to have some of these upon every panel ofjurors. 3 Bl. Comm. 359,… Continue Reading HUNDREDORS

Categories: H


Such goods and chattels as, contrary to the nature of chattels, shallgo by special custom to the heir aloug with the inheritance, aud not to the executor.The termination “loom” (Sax.) signifies a limb or member; so that an heirloom isnothing else but a limb or member of the inheritance. They are generally such things ascannot… Continue Reading HEIR-LOOMS

Categories: H