An ancient servile payment made by tenants in husbandry. Cowell.KILL, v. To deprive of life; to destroy the life of an animal. The word “homicide” expresses the killing of a human being. See The Ocean Spray, 18 Fed. Cas. 559; Carroll v. White, 33 Barb. (N. Y.) 620; Porter v. Hughey, 2 Bibb (Ky.) 232;… Continue Reading KILKETH

Categories: K


Between conjunct persons. By tbe act 1621, c. 18, all conveyances or alienations between conjunct persons, unless granted for onerous causes, are declared, as in a question with creditors, to be null and of no avail. Conjunct persons are those standing in a certain degree of relationship to each other; such, for example, as brothers,… Continue Reading INTER CONJUNCTAS PERSONAS

Categories: I


Between parties. Instruments in which two persons unite, each making conveyance to, or engagement with, the other, are called “papers inter partes.” Smith v. Emery, 12 N. J. Law, 60.

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Between the living; from one living person to another. Where property passes by conveyance, the transaction is said to be inter vivos, to distinguish it from a case of succession or devise. So an ordinary gift from one person to another is called a Ògift inter vivos,Ó to distinguish it from a donation made in.… Continue Reading INTER VIVOS

Categories: I


This phrase is frequently used in conveyances, when reciting some other conveyance which has not yet been recorded, but which forms a link in the chain of title. In Pennsylvania, it has beeu construed to be a covenant, on the part of the grantor, to procure the deed to be recorded iu a reasonable time.… Continue Reading INTENDED TO BE RECORDED

Categories: I


The transfer of the title of land from one person or class of persons to another. Klein v. McNamara, 54 Miss. 105; Alexander v. State, 28 Tex. App. 180, 12 S. W. 595; Brown v. Fitz, 13 N. H. 283 ; Pickett T. Buckner, 45 Miss. 245; Dickerman v. Abrahams, 21 Barb. (N. Y.) 551.… Continue Reading IN REAL PROPERTY LAW

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This phrase, as applied to a legal transaction, primarily means that it hastaken place without legal proceedings. Thus a widow was said to make a request in paisfor her dower when she simply applied to the heir without issuing a writ (Co. Litt. 326.)So conveyances are divided into those by matter of record and those… Continue Reading IN PAIS

Categories: I


The rank, situation, or degree of a particular person in some one of the different orders of society; or his status or situation, considered as a juridicial person, arising from positive law or the institutions of society. Thill v. Pohlman, 70 Iowa, 038, 41 N. W. 3S5. A clause in a contract or agreement which… Continue Reading IN COMMON LAW

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A word used in deeds of conveyance, (either solely, or in connection withothers,) where it Is intended to pass a fee.

Categories: H


In Scotch law. Whole; the whole. “All and haill” are common words inconveyances. 1 Bell, App. Cas. 499.

Categories: H