A road or way on which iron or steel rails are laid for wheels to run on, for the conveyance of heavy loads in cars or carriages propelled by steam or other motive power. The word “railway” is of exactly equivalent import. Whether or not this term includes roads operated by horse-power, electricity, cable- lines,… Continue Reading RAILROAD

Categories: R


Lat. How long; how far; until. In old conveyances it is used as a word of limitation. 10 Coke, 41.

Categories: Q


Lat. To quit, acquit, discharge, or save harmless. A formal word iu old deeds of donation and other conveyances. Cowell.

Categories: Q


Lat As long as; so long as. A word of limitation in old conveyances. Co. Litt. 235o.

Categories: Q


Persons connected together, or having a mutual interest in the same action or thing, by some relation other thau that of actual contract between them; persons whose interest in an estate is derived from the contract or conveyance of others. Those who are partakers or have an interest in any action or thing, or any… Continue Reading PRIVIES

Categories: P


An adjudged case or decision of a court of justice, considered as furnishing an example or authority for an identical or similar case afterwards arising or a similar question of law. A draught of a conveyance, settlement, will, pleading, bill, or other legal instrument, which is considered worthy to serve as a pattern for future… Continue Reading PRECEDENT

Categories: P


A person whom a common carrier has contracted to carry from one place to another, and has, in the course of PASSIAGIARIU9 880 PATENT Nthe performance of that contract, received under his care either upon the means of conveyance, or at tlie point of departure of that means of conveyance. Bricker v. Philadelphia & It.… Continue Reading PASSENGER

Categories: P


The conveyance, or transfer of any title of any good/ property from the seller to the buyer, usually resulting in the transfer of ownership as well.

Categories: P


The persons who take part in the performance of any act, or who are directly interested in any affair, contract, or conveyance, or who are actively concerned in the prosecution and defense of any legal proceeding. U. S. v. Henderlong (C. C.) 102 Fed. 2; Robbins v. Chicago, 4 Wall. 672, 18 L. Ed. 427;… Continue Reading PARTIES

Categories: P


A portion, share, or purpart One of two duplicate originals of a conveyance or covenant, the other being called “counterpart.” Also, in composition, partial or incomplete; as part payment, part performance. Cairo v. Bross, 9 111. App. 406.

Categories: P