1. Banking. Funds moved between accounts. 2. Real estate. Property title conveyance moved from seller to buyer through deed transfer. 3. Securities trading. Share certificate delivery by the seller’s broker to the buyer’s broker that is followed by recording change of title in share register.

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Rails for conveyance of traffic along a road not owned, as a railway is, by those who lay down the rails and convey the traffic. Wharton.

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Wrongful; of the nature of a tort. Formerly certain modes of conveyance (e. g., feoffments, fines, etc.) had the effect of passing not merely the estate of the person making the conveyance, but the whole fee-simple, to the injury of the person really entitled to the fee; and they were hence called “tortious conveyances.” Litt.

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In English law. A duty imposed by parliament upon merchandise exported and imported, according to a certain rate upon every ton. Brown. In American law. A tax laid upon vessels according to their tonnage or cubical ca- pacity. A tonnage duty is a duty imposed on vessels in proportion to their capacity. The vital principle… Continue Reading TONNAGE DUTY

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The words in a conveyance which show the estate intended to be conveyed. Thus, in a conveyance of land in fee-simple, the grant is to ÒA. and his heirs, to have and to hold be said [land] unto and to the use of the said A., his heirs and assigns forever.Ó Williams, Real Prop. 108.… Continue Reading TO HAVE AND TO HOLD

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Lat. In the civil law. A testament; a will, or last will. In old English law. A testament or will; a disposition of property made in con- templation of death. Bract, fol. 60. A general name for any instrument of conveyance. including deeds and charters, and so called either because it furnished written testimony of… Continue Reading TESTAMENTUM

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fee-simple, fee-tail, for life, for years, or at will. 2 Bl. Comm. 179. Persons who own lands by a joint title created expressly by one and the same deed or will. 4 Kent, Comm. 357. Joint tenants have one and the same interest, accruing by one and the same conveyance, commencing at one and the… Continue Reading TENANT-RIGHT

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One whose claim or demand accrued or came into existence after a given fact or transaction, such as the recording of a deed or mortgage or the execution of a voluntary conveyance. McGhee v. Wells. 57 S. C. 280, 35 S. E. 529, 76 Am. St. Rep. 507; Evans v. Lewis, 30 Ohio St. 14

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An Impression made by public authority, in pursuance of law, upon paper or parchment, upon which certain legal proceedings, conveyances, or contracts are re- quired to be written, and for which a tax or duty is exacted. A small label or strip of paper, bearing a particular device, printed and sold by the government, and… Continue Reading STAMP

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Lat. Paying. An apt word of reserving a rent in old conveyances. Co. Litt. 47a.

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