In conveyancing, one who holds a title under a voluntary conveyance, i. e., one made without consideration, good or valuable, to support it. A person who gives his services without any express or implied promise of remuneration in return is called a “volunteer,” and is entitled to no remuneration for his services, nor to any… Continue Reading VOLUNTEER

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As to voluntary “Answer,” “Assignment,” “Bankruptcy,” “Confession.” “Conveyance,” “Deposit,” “Escape,” “Jurisdiction,” “Manslaughter,” “Nonsuit,” “Oath,” “Payment,” “Redemption,” “Sale,” “Settlement,” “Trust,” and “Waste,” see those titles.

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An assignment for the benefit of his creditors made by a debtor voluntarily ; as distinguished from a compulsory assignment which takes place by operation of law in proceedings in. bankruptcy or insolvency. Presumably it means an assignment of a debtor’s property in trust to pay his debts generally, in distinction from a transfer of… Continue Reading VOLUNTARY ASSIGNMENT

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Null; Ineffectual; nugatory; having no legal force or binding effect; unable, in law, to support the purpose for which it was intended. ÒVoidÓ does not always imply entire nullity; but it is, in a legal sense, subject to large qualifications iu view of all the circumstances calling for its application, and the rights and interests… Continue Reading VOID

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In English law. An order which may be granted by the chancery division of the high court of justice, (and formerly by chancery,) passing the legal estate in lieu of a conveyance. Commissioners also, under modern statutes, have similar powers. St. 15 & 16 Viet. c. 55; Wharton.

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In the law of estates. The peculiar characteristic of an estate held by several in joint tenancy, and which is fourfold, viz., unity of interest, unity of title, unity of time, and unity of possession. In other words, joint tenants have one and the same interest, accruing by one and the same conveyance, commencing at… Continue Reading UNITY

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Words frequently used in conveyances of land which is subject to a mortgage, to show that the grantee takes subject to such mortgage. See Walker v. I’hysick. 5 Pa. 203; Moore’s Appeal, 88 Pa. 453, 32 Am. Rep. 400; Blood v. Crow Livick Co., 171 I’a. 328, 33 Atl. 344; Lavelle v. Gordon, 15 Mont.… Continue Reading UNDER AND SUBJECT

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In old New York law. A conveyance of land.

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Levied charge on property conveyance from one person to another.

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The passing of a thing or of property from one person to another; alienation; conveyance. 2 Bl. Comm. 294. Transfer is an act of the parties, or of the law, by which the title to property is con- veyed from one living person to another. Civ. Code Cal. $ 1039. And see Pearre v. Hawkins,… Continue Reading TRANSFER, n

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