An outstanding claim or incumbrance which, if valid, would affect or Impair the title of the owner of a particular estate, and which apparently and on its face has that effect, but which can be shown by extrinsic proof to be invalid or inapplicable to the estate in question. A conveyance, mortgage, judgment, tax-levy, etc.,… Continue Reading CLOUD ON TITLE

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In old English law. A deed or indenture; also the last part of a fine of land. An instrument of gift or conveyance attested by the subscription and crosses of the witnesses, which was in Saxon times called CHIROGRAPH 198 CHOSE IN ACTION “chirographum,” and which, being somewhat changed in form and manner by the… Continue Reading CHIROGRAPH

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A contract by which an entire ship, or some principal part thereof, is let to a merchant for the conveyance of goods on a determined voyage to one or more places. The Ilarvey and Henry, 86 Fed. 656, 30 C. C. A. 330; The New York (D. C.) 93 Fed. 497; Vandewater v. The Yankee… Continue Reading CHARTER-PARTY

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In old English law. A charter or deed; an instrument written and sealed; the formal evidence of conveyances and contracts. Also any signal or token by which an estate was held. The term came to be applied, by way of eminence, to such documents as proceeded from the sovereign, granting liberties or privileges, and either… Continue Reading CHARTA

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A term applied metaphorically to the series of conveyances, or other forms of alienation, affecting a particular parcel of land, arranged consecutively, from the government or original source of title down to the present holder, each of the instruments included being called a “link.” Payne v. Markle, 89 111. 69.

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I grant. The word ordinarily used in Mexican conveyances to pass title to lands. Mull’ord v. Le Franc, 20 Cal. S8, 108

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A vehicle used for the transportation of persons either for pleasure or business, and drawn by horses or other draught animals over the ordinary streets and highways of the country; not including cars used exclusively upon railroads or street railroads expressly constructed for the use of such cars. Snyder v. North Lawrence, 8 Kan. 84;… Continue Reading CARRIAGE

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One who undertakes to transport persons or property from place to place, by any means of conveyance, and with or without compensation.

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1. In English law. The election of students to the degree of barrister at law, hence the ceremony or epoch of election, and the number of persons elected. 2. In conveyancing. A visible natural object or landmark designated In a patent, entry. grant, or other conveyance of lands, as a limit or boundary to the… Continue Reading CALL, N

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