A conveyance adapted to the case where a person seised of land in possession, reversion, or vested remainder. proposes to convey it to his wife, child, or kinsman. In its terms it consists of a covenant by him, in consideration of his natural love and affection, to stand seised of the land to the use… Continue Reading COVENANT TO STAND SEISED

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In conveyancing. The corresponding part of an instrument; a duplicate or copy. Where an instrument of conveyance, as a lease, is executed in parts, that is, by having several copies or duplicates made and interchangeably executed, that which is executed by the grantor is usually called the “original,” and the rest are “counterparts;” although, where… Continue Reading COUNTERPART

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A term including both the science and act of transferring titles to real estate from one man to another. Conveyancing is that part of the lawyerÕs business which relates to the alienation and transmission of property and other rights from one person to another, and to the framing of legal documents intended to create, define,… Continue Reading CONVEYANCING

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A term used in conveyances under Mexican law, equivalent to the English word “grant.” Mulford v. Le Fra!: . 20 Cal. 103.

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The conveyance of an estate, or the communication of a right that one hath In or unto lands or tenements, to another that hath the possession thereof, or some other estate therein, whereby a voidable estate is made sure and unavoidable, or whereby a particular estate is increased or enlarged. Shep. Touch. 311; 2 Bl.… Continue Reading CONFIRMATIO

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A contract by which that which was Infirm, imperfect, or subject to be avoided Is made firm and unavoidable. A conveyance of an estate or right in esse, whereby a voidable estate is made sure and unavoidable, or whereby a particular estate is increased. Co. Litt. 2956. Jackson v. Itoot, 18 Johns. (N. Y.) 00;… Continue Reading CONFIRMATION

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Lat We have granted. A term used in conveyances, the effect of which was to create a joint covenant on the part of the grantors

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In old English law. A grant. One of the old common assurances, or forms of conveyance. Concessio per regem fieri debet de cer- titudine. 9 Coke, 46. A grant by the king ought to be made from certainty. Concessio versus concedentem latam interpretationcm habere debet. A grant ought to have a broad interpretation (to be… Continue Reading CONCESSIO

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The several modes or instruments of conveyance established or authorized by the law of England. Called “common” because thereby every man’s estate is assured to him. 2 Bl. Comm. 294. The legal evidences of the translation of property, whereby every person’s estate is assured to him, and all controversies, doubts, and difficulties are either prevented… Continue Reading COMMON ASSURANCES

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In the former English equity practice, this was a commission or authority issued to certain persons, to effect a division of lands held by tenants in common desiring a partition; when the commissioners reported, the parties were ordered to execute mutual conveyances to confirm the division.

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