An heir apparent who has been placed, by conveyance, in possession of his ancestor’s estate during such ancestor’s life-time. Co. Litt 8.

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In conveyancing. A deed or instrument of conveyance. The legal evidences of the transfer of property are in England called the “common assurances” of the kingdom, whereby every man’s estate is assured to him, and all controversies, doubts, and difficulties are either prevented or removed. 2 Bl. Comm. 294. State v. Farrand, 8 N. J.… Continue Reading ASSURANCE

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That which belongs to something else; an adjunct; an appendage; something annexed to another thing more worthy as principal, and which passes as incident to it, as a right of way or other easement to land; an out-house, barn, garden, or orchard, to a house or messuage. Meek v. Breckenridge, 29 Ohio St. 042; Harris… Continue Reading APPURTENANCE

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The name given in England to the short clause in a conveyance or other assurance which purports to convey “all the estate, right, title, interest, claim, and demand” of the grantor, lessor, etc., in the property dealt with. Dav. Conv. 93.

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A comprehensive; term often employed in conveyances, wills, and the like, which includes the aggregate or whole and also each of the separate items or components. McClaskoy v. Ilarr (C. C.) 54 Fed. 798.

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One to whom an alienation, conveyance, or transfer of property Is made.

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He who makes a grant transfer of title, conveyance, or alienation.

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To convey; to transfer the title to property. Co. Litt. 1186. Alien is very commonly used in the same sense. 1 Washb. Real Prop. 53. “Sell, alienate, and dispone” are the formal words of transfer in Scotch conveyances of heritable property. Bell. “The term alienate has a technical legal meaning, and any transfer of real… Continue Reading ALIENATE

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In real property law. The transfer of the property and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, from one person to another. Terines de la Ley. It is particularly applied to absolute conveyances of real property. Conover v. Mutual Ins. Co., 1 N. Y. 290, 294. The act by which the title to real estate… Continue Reading ALIENATION

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In practice. A methodical epitome of all the patents, conveyances, incumbrances, liens, court proceedings, and other matters affecting the title to a certain portion of real estate.

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