Any one who draws or frames a legal document, e. g., a will, conveyance, pleading, etc.

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Lat A gift. A transfer of the title to property to ODe who receives Itwithout paying for it Vicat. The act by which the owner of a thing voluntarily transfersthe title and possession of the same from himself to another person, without any consideration.Its literal translation, “gift” has acquired in real law a more limited… Continue Reading DONATIO

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The formal word by which services were reserved and expressed in old conveyances; as “rendering” (reddendo) was expressive of rent. Perk. c. 10,

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In Scotch law. To grant or convey. A technical word essential to theconveyance of heritable property, and for which no equivalent is accepted, howeverclear may be the meaning of the party. Paters. Comp.

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1. A delineation or account of a particular subject by the recital of itscharacteristic accidents and qualities.2. A written enumeration of items composing an estate, or of its condition, or oftitles or documents; like an Inventory, but with more particularity, and without involvingthe idea of an appraisement.3. An exact written account of an article, mechanical… Continue Reading DESCRIPTION

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To retard; obstruct; put off; hinder; interpose obstacles; as, when it is saidthat a conveyance was made to “hinder and delay creditors.” Mercantile Co. v. Arnold,108 Ga. 449. 34 S. E. 176; Ellis v. Valentine, 65 Tex. 532.

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An instrument which defeats the force or operation of some otherdeed or estate. That which is in the same deed is called a “condition;” and that which isin another deed is a “defeasance.” Com. Dig. “Defeasance.”In conveyancing. A collateral deed made at the same time with a feoffment or otherconveyance, containing certain conditions, upon the… Continue Reading DEFEASANCE

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One releasing property from the incumbrance of a mortgage or similar pledge upon payment or performance of tlie conditions; more specifically, where a deed of trust to one or more trustees has been executed, pledging real property for the payment of a debt or the performance of other conditions, substantially as in the case of… Continue Reading DEED OF RELEASE

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(Lat. I have given.) A word used in deeds and other instruments of conveyance when such instruments were made in Latin, and anciently held to imply a warranty of title. Deakius v. llollis, 7 Gill & J. (Md.) 315.

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I have given and granted. The operative words of conveyance in ancient charters of feoffment, and deeds of gift and grant; the English “given and granted” being still the most proper, though not the essential, words by which such conveyances are made. 2 Bl. Comm. 53, 310, 317; 1 Steph. Comm. 104, 177, 473, 474.

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