Iu mercantile contracts, this abbreviation means “free on board,” and importsthat the seller or consignor of goods will deliver them on the car. vessel, or otherconveyance by which they are to be transported without expense to the buyer or consignee,that is, without charge for packing, crating, drayage, etc., until delivered to thecarrier. Vogt v. Shienbeck,… Continue Reading F O B

Categories: F


cute; as to make an issue, to make oath, to make a presentment 2. To do iu form of law; to perform with due formalities; to execute in legal form; as to make answer, to make a return. 3. To execute as one’s act or obligation; to prepare and sign; to sign, execute, and deliver;… Continue Reading MALEFICIA NON DEBENT

Categories: M


In practice. A formal objection to the action of the court, during the trial of a cause, in refusing a request or overruling an objection; implying that the party excepting does not acquiesce in the decision of the court, but will seek to procure its reversal, and that he means to save the benefit of… Continue Reading EXCEPTION

Categories: E


A letter; a charter; an instrument in writing for conveyance of lands orassurance of contracts. Calvin; Spelman.

Categories: E


A species of release which inures by way of enlarging anestate, and consists of a conveyance of the ulterior interest to the particular tenant; asif there be tenant for life or years, remainder to another in fee, and he in remainder releasesall his right to the particular tenant and his heirs, this gives him the… Continue Reading ENLARGER L’ESTATE

Categories: E


In English law. The conversion of copyhold intofreehold tenure, by a conveyance of the fee- simple of the property from the lord of themanor to the copyholder, or by a release from the lord of all seigniorial rights, etc.,which destroys the customary descent, and also all rights and privileges annexed to thecopyholder’s estate. 1 Watk.… Continue Reading ENFRANCHISEMENT OF COPYHOLDS

Categories: E


When this phrase is used in leases, conveyances, and other like deeds, or in agreementsexpressed in simple writing, it indicates the conclusion or expiration of an agreed termof years specified in the deed or writing, such conclusion or expiration arising in thenatural course of events, in contradistinction to the determination of the term by theacts… Continue Reading EFFLUXION OF TIME

Categories: E


Lat During. A word of limitation in old conveyances. Co. Litt 234&.

Categories: D


While sole, or single. Dum sola fucrit, while she shallremain sole. Dum sola et casta vix- crit. while she lives single and chaste. Words oflimitation in old conveyances. Co. Litt. 235

Categories: D


Provided; provided that. A word of limitation In the Latin forms ofconveyances, of frequent use in introducing a reservation; as in reserving a rent

Categories: D