1. Showing respect or conern. 2. Formal closing in a letter or email indicating esteem and consideration from the sender.

Categories: R


Lat. In Roman law, a contract for the hiring or letting of services, or for the performance of a certain work in consideration of the payment of a stipulated price. It is the same contract as “locatio opcris,” but regarded from the standpoint of the one who is to do the work, and who is… Continue Reading REDEMPTIO OPERIS

Categories: R


Discount; reducing the interest of money in consideration of prompt payment. Also a deduction from a stipulated premium on a policy of insurance, in pur- suance of an antecedent contract. Also a deduction or drawback from a stipulated payment, charge, or rate, (as, a rate for the transportation of freight by a railroad,) not taken… Continue Reading REBATE

Categories: R


1. Practical orientation that relies on the facts and takes into consideration things as they are, not on what they might be. 2. Philosophical concept that theoretical entities such as numbers and mathematical things have an existence free from the human mind.

Categories: R


When dealers give prices to traders who sell them. The price takes into consideration the supply and demand on the market. Refer to dealer and orderdriven market.

Categories: Q


What for what; something for something. Used in law for the giving one valuable thing for another. It is nothing more than the mutual consideration which passes between the parties to a contract, and which renders it valid and binding. Cowell. Quid sit jus, et in quo consistit injuria, legis est definire. What constitutes right,… Continue Reading QUID PRO QUO

Categories: Q


The distribution of dividends from an investment that will qualify for special tax considerations. It is a dividend that is paid by a US corporation or a foreign coporation.

Categories: Q


American Rule originating in 1830 by Samuel Putnum. Investors and money managers should act in the interest of the investor and not themselves when investing money for other people. Money should be invested with consideration of rthe capital’s safety as well as any interest.

Categories: P


An offer; something proffered. An offer, by one person to another, of terms and conditions with reference to some work or undertaking, or for the transfer of property, the acceptance whereof will make a contract between them. Eppes v. Mississippi. G. & T. It. Co., 35 Ala. 33. In English practice. A statement in writing… Continue Reading PROPOSAL

Categories: P


A declaration, verbal or written, made by one person to another for a good or valuable consideration in the nature of a covenant by which the promisor binds himself to do or forbear some act, and gives to the promisee a legal right to demand and enforce a fulfillment. See Taylor v. Miller, 113 N.… Continue Reading PROMISE

Categories: P