A temporary stop of a right, of a law, and the like. Thus, we speak of a suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, of a statute, of the power of alienating an estate, of a person in office, etc. Suspension of a right in an estate is a temporary or partial withholding of it… Continue Reading SUSPENSION

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The contract of suretyship is that whereby one obligates himself to pay the debt of another in consideration of credit or indulgence, or other benefit given to his principal, the principal remaining bound therefor. It differs from a guaranty iu this: that the consideration of the latter is a benefit flowing to the guarantor. Code… Continue Reading SURETYSHIP

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Toll for carriage on horseback. Cowell. Simma caritas est facere justitiam singulis, et Omni tempore quando ne- cesse fuerit. The greatest charity is to do justice to every one, and at any time whenever it may be necessary. 11 Coke, 70. Summa est lex quae pro religione facit. That is the highest law which favors… Continue Reading SUMAGE

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As to sufficient ÒConsiderationÓ and ÒEvidence,Ó see those titles.

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The act of writing oue’s name under a written instrument; the affixing one’s signature to any document, whether for the puriiose of authenticating or attesting it, of adopting its terms as one’s own expressions, or of binding one’s self by an engagement which it contains. Subscription is the act of the hand, while attestation is… Continue Reading SUBSCBIPTION

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the term used when evidence is excluded from being used in a jury’s considerations.

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Any person not withiu tlie consideration of natural love and affection arising from relationship.

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Agreeing, in consideration of receiving a pecuniary or other advantage, to abstain from prosecuting a person for an offense not giving rise to a civil remedy; e. g., perjury. Sweet

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In Scotch law. Corns, cattle, straw, and implements of hus- bandry delivered by a landlord to his tenant, by which the tenant is enabled to stock and labor the farm; in consideration of which he becomes bound to return articles equal in quantity and quality, at the expiry of tlie lease. Bell.

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The provisions in a contract that are specific to a project that is under consideration and don’t fall under any other general or supplementary conditions.

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