One which is equal, or reasonably proportioned, to the value of that for which it is given. 1 Story, Eq. Jur.

Categories: A


404, 85 N. W. 635; St. Mark’s Church v. Teed, 120 N. Y. 5S3, 24 N. E. 1014; Fertilizer Co. v. Dunan, 91 Md. 144, 46 Atl. 347, 50 L. R- A. 401; Kemp v. Bank, 109 Fed. 48. 48 C. C. A. 213; Streshley v. Powell, 12 B. Mon. (Ivy.) 178; Roberts v. New… Continue Reading CONSIDERATION

Categories: C


in a deed or other formal instrument, is that part which comesafter the recitals, or, where there are no recitals, after the parties. It usually commences with a reference to the agreement orintention to be effectuated, then states or refers to the consideration, and concludeswith the operative words and parcels, if any. Where a deed… Continue Reading WITNESSING PART

Categories: Uncategorized


In conveyancing, one who holds a title under a voluntary conveyance, i. e., one made without consideration, good or valuable, to support it. A person who gives his services without any express or implied promise of remuneration in return is called a “volunteer,” and is entitled to no remuneration for his services, nor to any… Continue Reading VOLUNTEER

Categories: V


Free; without compulsion or solicitation. Without consideration; without valuable consideration; gratuitous.

Categories: V


A conveyance without valuable consideration; such as a deed or settlement in favor of a wife or children. See Gentry v. Field. 143 Mo. 399. 45 S. V. 2S6; Trumbull v. ITewitt, 62 Conn. 451. 26 Atl. 350; Martin v. White, 115 Ga. 800, 42 S. E. 279. As to fraudulent conveyances, see FRAUDULENT

Categories: V