Enduring; not terminated by a single act or fact; subsisting for a definite period or intended to cover or apply to successive similar obligations or occurrences. As to continuing “Consideration,” “Covenant,” “Damages,” “Guaranty,” “Nuisance,” and “Offense,” see those titles.

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Where a demurrer has been filed to one or more counts in a declaration, and its consideration is postponed, and meanwhile other counts in the same declaration, not demurred to, are taken as issues, and tried, and damages awarded upon them, such damages are called “contingent damages.”

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The act of the mind in considering with attention. Continued attention of the mind to a particular subject. Consideration of an act or series of acts with the intention of doing or adopting them. The consideration of an event or state of facts with the expectation that it will transpire

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The process, or the art, of determining the sense, real meaning, or proper explanation of obscure or ambiguous terms or provisions in a statute, written instrument, or oral agreement, or the application of such subject to the case in question, by reasoning in the light derived from extraneous connected circumstances or laws or writings bearing… Continue Reading CONSTRUCTION

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An action which lay in favor of a person who had given or promised a thing without consideration, (causa.) Dig. 12, 7; Cod. 4, 9.

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In public law. A compact or convention between two or more independent governments. An agreement made by a temporal sovereign with the pope, relative to ecclesiastical matters. In French law. A compromise effected by a bankrupt with his creditors, by virtue CONCORDIA 238 CONDEDIT of which he engages to pay within a certsvln time a… Continue Reading CONCORDAT

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An agreement, made upon a sufficient consideration, between an insolvent or embarrassed debtor and his creditors, whereby the latter, for the sake of immediate payment, agree to accept a dividend less than the whole amount of their claims, to be distributed pro rata, in discharge and satisfaction of the whole. Bank v. McGeoch, 92 Wis.… Continue Reading COMPOSITION

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A general process where a company acquires goods or services by extending to suppliers an invitation to tender a proposal. In general, the tender with the lowest price wins the order, although factors related to quality, shipping, timeliness, and efficiency, may also be a consideration.

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Indemnification; payment of damages; making amends; that which is necessary to restore an injured party to his former position. An act which a court orders to be done, or money which a court orders to lie paid, by a person whose acts or omissions have caused loss or injury to another, in order that thereby… Continue Reading COMPENSATION

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