In conveyancing. The transferring of the property of a thing from one to another, upon valuable consideration, by way of sale. Shep. Touch, (by Preston,) 221. A contract or bargain by the owner of land, in consideration of money or its equivalent paid, to sell land to another person, called the “bargainee,” whereupon a use… Continue Reading BARGAIN AND SALE

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1. A partition or railing running across a court-room, intended to separate the general public from the space occupied by the judges, counsel, jury, and others concerned in the trial of a cause. In the English courts it is the partition behind which all outer-bar risters and every member of the public must stand. Solicitors,… Continue Reading BAR

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When past good performance is used to predict future performance. The cards do not take in to consideration the environment.

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In the language of the stock exchange, this term signifies a consideration paid for delay in the delivery of stock contracted for, when the price is lower for time than for cash. Dos Passos, Stock-Brok. 270.

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One who, having no interest in the land, works it in consideration of receiving a portion of the crop for his labor. Fry v. Jones. 2 Rawle (Pa.) 11; Wood v. Garrison (Ky.) 62 S. W. 728; Steel v. Frick. 56 Pa. 172. The difference between a tenant and a cropper is: A tenant has… Continue Reading CROPPER

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Worthiness of belief; that quality in a witness which renders his evidence worthy of belief. After the competence of a witness is allowed, the consideration of his credibility arises, and not before. 3 Bl. Comm. 309; 1 Burrows, 414, 417; Smith v. Jones, 08 Vt. 132, 34 Atl. 424. As to the distinction between competency… Continue Reading CREDIBILITY

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A conveyance adapted to the case where a person seised of land in possession, reversion, or vested remainder. proposes to convey it to his wife, child, or kinsman. In its terms it consists of a covenant by him, in consideration of his natural love and affection, to stand seised of the land to the use… Continue Reading COVENANT TO STAND SEISED

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In French law. Contracts are of the following varieties: (1) Bilateral, or synallagiiiatiqne, where each party is bound to the other to do what is just and proper; or (2) unilateral, where the one side only is bound; or (3) committal if. where one does to the other something which is supposed to be an… Continue Reading CONTRAT

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In Roman law. Contracts of good faith. Those contracts which, when brought into litigation, were not determined by the rules of the strict law alone, but allowed the judge to examine into the bona fides of the transaction, and to hear equitable considerations against their enforcement. In this they were opposed to contracts stricti juris,… Continue Reading CONTRACTUS BONSE FIDEL

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An agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do a particular thing. 2 Bl. Comm. 442; 2 Kent, Comm. 449. Justice v. Lang, 42 N. Y. 496, 1 Am. Rep. 576; Edwards v. Kearzey, 96 U. S. 599, 24 L. Ed. 793; Canterberry v. Miller, 76 111. 355. A covenant or agreement between… Continue Reading CONTRACT

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