Latin phrase. An action of good faith or a group of actions where the judge is authorised to take into account equitable considerations.

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Regulations, ordinances, or rules euacted by a private corporation for its own government A by-law is a rule or law of a corporation, for its government, and is a legislative act, and the solemnities and sanction required by the charter must be observed. A resolution is not necessarily a by-law though a by-law may be… Continue Reading BY-LAWS

Categories: B


To acquire the ownership of property by giving an accepted price or consideration therefor; or by agreeing to do so ; to acquire by the payment of a price or value; to purchase. Webster.

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To solicit and receive from another any article of property or thing of value with the intention and promise to repay or return it or its equivalent. Strictly speaking, borrowing implies a gratuitous loan ; if any price or consideration is to be paid for the use of the property, it is “hiring.” But money… Continue Reading BORROW

Categories: B


A gratuity. A premium paid to a grantor or vendor. An extra consideration given for what is received. Any premium or advantage; an occasional extra dividend. A premium paid by a company for a charter or other franchises. “A definite sum to be paid at one time, for a loan of money for a specified… Continue Reading BONUS

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A purchaser for a valuable consideration paid or parted with in the belief that the vendor had a right to sell, and without any suspicious circumstances to put him on inquiry. Merritt v. Railroad Co., 12 Barb. (N. Y.) 005. One who acts without covin, fraud, or collusion; one who, in the commission of or… Continue Reading BONA FIDE PURCHASER

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A boarding-house is not in common parlance, or in legal meaning, every private house where one or more boarders are kept occasionally only and upon special considerations. But it is a quasi public house, where boarders are generally and habitually kept, and which is held out and known as a place of entertainment of that… Continue Reading BOARDING-HOUSE

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An organization of the principal merchants, manufacturers, tradesmen, etc., of a city, for the purpose of furthering its commercial interests, encouraging the establishment of manufactures, promoting trade, securing or improving shipping facilities, and generally advancing the prosperity of the place as an industrial and commercial community. In England, one of the administrative departments of government,… Continue Reading BOARD OF TRADE

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In common law. The written evidence of a contract for the carriage and delivery of goods sent by sea for a certain freight. Mason v. Lickbarrow, 1 H. Bl. 359. A written memorandum, given by the person in command of a merchant vessel, acknowledging the receipt on board the ship of certain specified goods, in… Continue Reading BILL OF LADING

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The criminal offense of willfully and knowingly contracting a second Q marriage (or going through the form of a second marriage) while the first marriage, to the knowledge of the offender, is still subsisting and undissolved. Com. v. McNerny, 10 Phila. (Pa.) 207; Gise v. Com., 81 Pa. r 430; Scoggins v. State, 32 Ark.… Continue Reading BIGAMY

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