In English law. A clerk bound to serve in the office of a solicitor in consideration of being instructed in the profession. This is the general acceptation of the term ; but it is said to be equally applicable to other trades and professions. Reg. v. Reeve, 4 Q. B. 212.

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In Spanish law. The donation which the husband makes to his wife, by reason or on account of marriage, and in consideration of the dote, or portion, which he receives from her. Miller v. Dunn, 62 Mo. 219; Cutter v. Waddingham, 22 Mo. 254.

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A contract by which one person, usually a minor, called the “apprentice,” is bound to another person, called the “master,” to serve him during a prescribed term of years in his art, trade, or business, in consideration of being instructed by the master in such art or trade, and (commonly) of receiving his support and… Continue Reading APPRENTICESHIP

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The division, partition, or distribution of a subject-matter in proportionate parts. Co. Litt. 147; 1 Swanst 37, n.; 1 Story, Eq. Jur. 475a. Of contracts. The allowance, in case of a severable contract, partially performed, of a part of the entire consideration proportioned to the degree in which the contract was carried out. Of rent.… Continue Reading APPORTIONMENT

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Lat It is allowed. A word formerly used to denote that a writ or order was allowed. A word denoting the allowance by a master or prothonotary of a bill referred for his consideration, whether touching costs, damages, or matter of account. Lee.

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The taking in of another person’s cattle to be fed, or to pasture, upon one’s own land, in consideration of an agreed price to be paid by the owner. Also the profit or recompense for such pasturing of cattle. Bass v. Pierce, 16 Barb. (N. Y.) 505; Williams v. Miller, 08 Cal. 290, 9 Pac.… Continue Reading AGISTMENT

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this is the charge to the jury that no matter what the evidence shows, the defendant cannot be convicted with the existing indictment. The charge will attempt to remove the issue from consideration by the jury.

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Deliberation, consideration, consultation; the consultation of a court, after the argument of a cause by counsel, and before delivering their opinion. Clark v. Read, 5 N. J. Law, 4S6.

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A putting off or postponing of business or of a session until another time or place; the act of a court, legislative body, public meeting, or officer, by which the session or assembly is dissolved, either temporarily or finally, and the business in hand dismissed from consideration, either definitely or for an interval. If the… Continue Reading ADJOURNMENT

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An exercise that takes into consideration the cost of an activity. It is used to control and reduce expenses.

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