Lat I give that you may do; I give [you] that you may do or make[for me.] A formula in the civil law, under which those contracts were classed in whichone party gave or agreed to give money, in consideration the other party did orperformed certain work. Dig. 19, 5, 5; 2 Bl. Comm. 444.In… Continue Reading DO UT FACIAS

Categories: D


To send away; to discharge; to cause to be removed. To dismiss an actionor suit is to send it out of court without any further consideration or hearing. Bos- ley v.Bruner, 24 Miss. 402; Taft v. Northern Transp. Co., 50 N. II. 417; Goldsmith v. Smith(C. C.) 21 Fed. 014.

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In a general sense, an allowance or deduction made from a gross sumon any account whatever. In a more limited and technical sense, the taking of Interestinadvance.By the language of the commercial world and the settled practice of banks, adiscount by a bank means a drawback or deduction made upon its advances or loans ofmoney,… Continue Reading DISCOUNT

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In general. A statement, remark, or observation. Oralis dictum; a gratuitousor voluntary representation; one which a party is not bound to make. 2 Kent,Comm. 480. Simplex dictum; a mere assertion ; an assertion without proof. Bract, fol. 320.The word is generally used as an abbreviated form of obiter dictum, “a remark bythe way;” that is,… Continue Reading DICTUM

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(Lat “God’s penny.”) Earnest money; money given as a token of thecompletion of a bargain. It differs from arrliw in this: that arrhx is a part of theconsideration, while the denarius Dei is no part of it. The latter was given away incharity: whence the name.

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a consideration that is used to determine the degree of a sentence.

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One dangerous to life; one by the use of which a fatal wound may probably or possibly be given. As the manner of use enters Into the consideration as well as other circumstances, the question is for the jury. U. S. v. Reeves, (C. C.) 38 Fed. 404; State v. Hammond, 14 S. D. 545.… Continue Reading DANGEROUS WEAPON

Categories: D


In Scotch law. To make avizandum with a process is to take it from the public court to the private consideration of the Judge. Bell.

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