In French law. A capital is said to be invested d fonds perduswhen it is stipulated that in consideration of the payment of an amount as interest,higher than the normal rate, the lender shall be repaid his capital in this manner. Theborrower, after having paid the interest during the period determined, is free as regardsthe… Continue Reading FONDS PERDUS

Categories: F


the conviction taken into consideration when a habitual criminal is sentenced for a subsequent event.

Categories: F


This term applies to the conclusion reached by the court, arbitrators and is the determination of truth after consideration,.

Categories: F


A process where a REINSURER can accept or reject coverage for individual RISKS presented for consideration by a CEDING INSURER. See also REINSURANCE.

Categories: F


(Lat. I do that you may do.) A species of contract in the civil law(being one of the innominate contracts) which occurs when I agree with a man to dohis work for him if he will do mine for me; or If two persons agree to marry together, orto do any other positive acts on… Continue Reading FACIO UT FACIAS

Categories: F


Finding changes in data but ignoring fluctuations that have no influence. Older data is given less considerations while newer is more important. AKA averaging.

Categories: E


In conveyancing. A mutual grant of equal Interests, (in lauds or tenements,) the one in consideration of theother. 2 Bl. Comm. 323; Windsor v. Collin- son, 32 Or. 297, 52 Pac. 26; Gamble v. McClure, 69 Pa. 282; Hartwell v. De Vault, 159 111. 325, 42 N. E. 7S9; Long v. Fuller, 21Wis. 121. In… Continue Reading EXCHANGE

Categories: E


1. A Latin preposition meaning from, out of, by, on, on account of, or according to.2. A prefix, denoting removal or cessation. Prefixed to the name of an office, relation,status, etc., it denotes that the porsrn spoken of once occupied that office or relation,but does so no longer, or that he is now out of… Continue Reading EX

Categories: E


This word is used to express the mind or judgment of the speaker orwriter on the particular subject under consideration. It implies a calculation or computation,as to estimate the gain or loss of an enterprise. People v. Clark, 37 Hun (N.Y.) 203.

Categories: E


Just; conformable to the principles of natural justice and right.Just, fair, and right, in consideration of the facts and circumstances of the individualcase.Existing in equity; available or sustainable only in equity, or only upon the rules audprinciples of equity.

Categories: E