In the civil law. An honorary or free gift; a gratuitous payment, asdistinguished from hire or compensation for service; a lawyer’s or counsellor’s fee. Dig.50, 13, 1, 10-12.An honorarium is a voluntary donation, in consideration of services which admit ofno compensation in money; in particular, to advocates at law, deemed to prac! ice forhonor or… Continue Reading HONORARIUM

Categories: H


Lat. A master. Servus facit ut hems (Jet, the servant does [the work] in orderthat the master may give [him the wages agreed on.] Herus dat ut servus facit. themaster gives [or agrees to give, the wages,] in consideration of, or with a view to, theservant’s doing [the work.] 2 Bl. Comm. 445.

Categories: H


Freely; gratuitously; without reward or consideration.

Categories: G


Without valuable or legal consideration. A term applied to deeds ofconveyance and to bailments and other contracts.In old English law. Voluntary; without force, fear, or favor. Bract, fols. 11, 17.As to gratuitous “Bailment,” “Contract” and “Deposit,” see those titles.

Categories: G


Gratuitous contracts are those of which the object is the benefit of the person with whom it is made, without any profit or advantage received or promised as a consideration for it. It is not, however, the less gratuitous if it proceed either from gratitude for a benefit before received or from the hope of… Continue Reading GRATUITOUS AND ONEROUS

Categories: G


1. Valid; sufficient in law; effectual ; unobjectionable.2. Responsible; solvent; able to pay an amount specified.3. Of a value corresponding with its terms; collectible. A note is said to be “good”when the payment of it at maturity may be relied on. Curtis v. Smallman, 14 Wend. (N.Y.) 232; Cooke v. Nathan, 16 Barb. (N. Y.)… Continue Reading GOOD

Categories: G


1. To transfer or yield to, or bestow upon, another. One of the operativewords in deeds of conveyance of real property. importing at common law, a warranty orcovenant for quiet enjoyment during the lifetime of the grantor. Mack v. Patcliin, 29How. Prac. (X. Y.) 23; Young v. Hargrave. 7 Ohio. G9, pt. 2; Dow v.… Continue Reading GIVE

Categories: G


A voluntary conveyance of land, or transfer of goods, from one person to another,made gratuitously, and not upon any consideration of blood or money. 2 Rl.Comm. 440; 2 Steph. Comm. 102; 2 Kent, Comm. 437. And see Ingram v. Colgan, 100Cal. 113, 38 Pac. 315, 28 L. It. A. 187, 40 Am. St. Rep. 221;… Continue Reading GIFT

Categories: G


Property transferred as gift, or by inheritance or will, without any payment or monetary consideration in exchange, is typically liable to have a charge levied on it. The person / entity giving or the person / entity receiving the gift is liable to pay the charge, depending on local laws.

Categories: G


Based upon; arising from, growing out of, or resting upon; as in theexpressions “founded in fraud,” “founded on a consideration,” “founded on contract,”and the like. See In re Grant Shoe Co., 130 Fed. SSI, G6 C. C. A. 78; State v. Morgan,40 Conn. 40; Palmer v. Preston, 45 Vt. 158, 12 Am. Rep. 191 ;… Continue Reading FOUNDED

Categories: F