. To make an application to a court for a rule or order. 2. To propose a resolution, or recommend action in a deliberative body. 3. To pass over; to be transferred; as when the consideration of a contract is said to “move” from one party to the other. 4. To occasion; to contribute to;… Continue Reading MOVE

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In Norman law. Moneyage. A tax or tribute of one shilling on every hearth, payable to the duke every three years, in consideration that he should not alter the coin. Hale, Com. Law, 148, and note.

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Mintage, or the right of coining money. Cowell. Hence, anciently, a tribute payable to a lord who had the prerogative of coining money, by his tenants, in consideration of his refraining from changing the coinage. Monetandi jus comprehend!tur in re- galibus quae nunqnam a re^io sceptro abdicantur. The right of coining money is comprehended among… Continue Reading MONETAGIUM

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An infant or person who is under the age of legal competence. A term de- rived from the civil law, which described a person under a certain age as less than so many years. Minor vUjinti quinque annis, one less than twenty-five years of age. Inst. 1, 14, 2. Also, less; of less consideration; lower;… Continue Reading MINOR

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The charge or commission taken by the mint as a consideration for coining into money the bullion which is brought to it for that purpose; the same as “seigniorage.” Also that which is coined or stamped as money; the product of the mint

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lawful assistance. Bayard v. McLanc, 3 liar. (Del.) 208. “Maintenance,” at common law, signifies an unlawful taking in hand or upholding of quarrels or sides, to the disturbance or hindrance of common right. The maintaining of one side, in consideration of some bargain to have part of the thing in dispute, is called “champerty.” Champerty,… Continue Reading MAKE

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Financial system studied comprehensively. The nation’s banking industry is such a system. Overall system soundness and system vulnerabilities, as well as financial shock absorption capabilities are study components. The operational system’s regulatory environment is an essential consideration of the study.

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Lat. In Roman law. A consideration which is voluntary; that is to say, a gratuitous gift, or such like. It was opposed to oncrosa causa, which denoted a valuable consideration. It was a principle of the Roman law that two lucrative causes could not concur in the same person as regarded the same thing; that… Continue Reading LUCRATIVA CAUSA

Categories: L


Lat. This species of usucapio was permitted in Roman law only in the case of persons taking pos- session of property upon the decease of its late owner, and in exclusion or deforcement of the heir, whence it was called “usucapio pro hwrede.” The adjective “lucrativa” de- noted that property was acquired by this usucapio… Continue Reading LUCRATIVA USUCAPIO

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promised or agreed to pay, any valuable consideration for the chance of obtaining such property, or a portion of it, or for any share of or interest in such property, upou any agreement, understanding, or expectation that it is to be distributed or disposed of by lot or chance, whether called a “lottery,” a “raffle,”… Continue Reading LUCRATIVE

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