To find or adjudge guilty. 3 Leon. 68. To adjudge or sentence. 3 Bl. Comm. 201. To adjudge (;is an admiralty court) that a vessel is a prize, or that she is unfit for service. 1 Kent, Comm. 102; 5 Esp. 05. To set apart or expropriate property for public use, in the exercise of… Continue Reading CONDEMN

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In admiralty law. The judgment or sentence of a court having jurisdiction and acting in rem, by which (1) it is declared that a vessel which has been captured at sea as a prize was lawfully so seized and is liable to be treated as prize; or (2) that property which has been seized for… Continue Reading CONDEMNATION

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In an action in the English admiralty division, where it is necessary to have the cargo in a ship unladen in order to have it appraised, a H commission of unlivery is issued and executed by the marshal. Williams & B. Adm. Jur. 233.

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In English law. A body of officers and men raised and equipped by the commissioners of the admiralty for the defense of the coasts of the realm, and for the more ready manning of the navy in case of war or sudden emergency, as well as for the protection of the revenue against smugglers. Mozley… Continue Reading COAST-GUARD

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In admiralty law, this nautical term means the arrangement or trim of a vessel’s sails when she endeavors to make a progress in the nearest direction possible towards that point of the compass from which the wind blows. But a vessel may be considered as close-hauled, although she is not quite so near to the… Continue Reading CLOSE-HAULED

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In admiralty practice. The name given to a person who lays claim to property seized on a libel in rem. and who is authorized and admitted to defend the^ action. The Conqueror. 166 U. S. 110, 17* Sup. Ct. 510, 41 L. Ed. 937. CLAM. Lat. In the civil law. Covertly ; secretly.

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In Scotch law, and in admiralty law. Surety ; security; bail; an undertaking by way of surety. 6 Mod. 1G2. See CAUTIO

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A head-man; commander; commanding officer. The captain of a warvessel is the officer first in command. In the United States navy, the rank of “captain” is intermediate between that of “commander” and “commodore.” The governor or controlling officer of a vessel in the merchant service is usually styled “captain” by the inferior officers and seamen,… Continue Reading CAPTAIN

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