In criminal practice. The stopping, seizing, or apprehending a person by lawful authority; the act of laying hands upon a person for the purpose of taking his body into custody of the law ; the restraining of the liberty of a man’s person in order to compel obedience to the order of a court of… Continue Reading AERSST

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L. Lat Admiralty; the admiralty, or court of admiralty. In European law. An association of private armed vessels for mutual protection and defense against pirates and enemies.

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Legal memoranda made in the admiralty courts in England, in lhe nature of pleas.

Categories: A


In the civil law. An action against the person, founded on a personal liability; an action seeking redress for the violation of a jus in personam or right available against a particular individual. In admiralty law. An action directed against the particular person who is to be charged with the liability. It is distinguished from… Continue Reading ACTIO IN PERSONAM

Categories: A


In admiralty law and marine insurance. That state or condition of a vessel in which water is freely admitted through holes and breaches made in the planks of the bottom, occasioned by injuries, whether the ship’s timbers are broken or not. 1’eele v. Insurance Co., 3 Mason, 27, 39, 19 Fed. Cas. 103.

Categories: B


A pond-head made of a great height to keep in water for the supply of a mill, etc., so that the wheel of the mill may be turned by the water rushing thence, through a passage or flood-gate. St. 27 Eliz. c. 19. Also an arm of the sea surrounded by land except at the… Continue Reading BAY

Categories: B


In admiralty law and marine insurance. A part of the sea inclosed in rocks. U. S. v. Morel, 13 Am. Jur. 286, 26 Fed. Cas. 1,310.

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An Inferior court, possessing a very ancient jurisdiction over causes of action arising within the borough of Liverpool. It appears to have been also called the “Borough Court of Liverpool.” It has the same jurisdiction in admiralty matters as the Lancashire county court Rose. Adm. 75.

Categories: C


The chief appellate tribunal of England. It was established by the judicature acts of 1S73 and 1875, and is invested tvith the jurisdiction formerly exercised by the court of appeal in chancery, the exchequer chamber, the judicial committee of the privy council in admiralty and lunacy appeals. and with general appellate jurisdiction from the high… Continue Reading COURT OF APPEAL, HIS MAJESTY’S

Categories: C