Lat. In the civil law. The name of an action given to one who had contracted with a son or slave, by order of the father or master, to compel such father or master to stand to the agreement llalli- fax, Civil Law, b. 3, c. 2, no. 3; Inst. 4, 7, 1. Quod jussu alterius solvitnr pro eo est quasi ipsi solutum esset. That which is paid by the order of another is the same as though it were paid to himself. Dig. 50, 17, 180. Quod meum est sine facto meo vel de- fectu mco amitti vel in alium transferri non potest. That which is mine cannot be lost or transferred to another without my alienation or forfeiture. Broom, Max. 405. Quod meum est sine me auferri non potest. That which is mine cannot be taken away without me, [without my assent] Jenk. Cent. p. 251, case 41. Qnod minus est in obligationem vide- tur deductum. That which is the less is held to be imported into the contract; (e. g., A offers to hire B.’s house at six hundred dollars, at the same time B. offers to let it for live hundred dollars; the contract is for five hundred dollars.) 1 Story, Cont 4S1. Quod naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit, vocatur jns gentium. That which natural reason has established among all men is called the “law of nations.” 1 Bl. Comm. 43; Dig. 1, 1, 9; Inst. 1, 2, 1. Quod necessarie intelligitur non deest. 1 Bulst 71. That which is necessarily understood is not wanting. Quod necessitas cogit, defendit. Hale, P. C. 54. That which necessity compels, it justifies. Quod non apparet non est; et non ap- paret judicialiter ante judicium. 2 Inst. 479. That which appears not is not; and nothing appears judicially before judgment. Quod non capit Christus, capit iiscus. What Christ Lthe church] does not take the treasury takes. Goods of a fclo de se go to the king. A maxim in old English law. 1’earb. P. 19 Hen. VI. 1.

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