To add to; to unite; to attach one thing permanently to another. The word expresses the idea of joining a smaller or subordinate thing with another, larger, or of higher importance. In the law relating to fixtures, the expression “annexed to the freehold” means fastened to or connected with it; mere juxtaposition, or the laying… Continue Reading ANNEX

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The act of attaching, adding, joining, or uniting one thing to another ; generally spoken of the connection of a smaller or subordinate thing with a larger or principal thing. The attaching an illustrative or auxiliary document to a deposition, pleading, deed, etc., is called “annexing” it. So the incorporation of newly-acquired territory into the… Continue Reading ANNEXATION

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Manors which in the time of William the Conqueror were in the hands of the crown, and are so recorded in the Domesday Book. Fitzh. Nat. Brev. 14. 50: Baker v. Wich. 1 Salk. 50. Tenure in ancient demesne may be pleaded in abatement to an action of ejectment. Rust v. Roe. 2 Burr. 1040.… Continue Reading ANCIENT DEMESNE

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In English law. Property of every description, except estates of freehold and inheritance. Sugd. Vend. 495; Co. Litt. 119!). In French law. This term Includes all kinds of property, real and personal. Biens are divided into biens meublcs, movable property; and biens immeubles, immovable property. The distinction between movable and immovable property is recognized by… Continue Reading BIENS

Categories: B


Tenants who performed to their lords services in villenage; tenants who held at the will of the lord, as distinguished from frank tenants, or freeholders. Cowell.

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The estate to which by common law a man is entitled, on the death of his wife, in the lands or tenements of which she was seised iu possession in fee-simple or in tail (luring her coverture, provided they have had lawful issue born alive which might have been capable of inheriting the estate. It… Continue Reading CURTESY

Categories: C


In English law. A court which, although not oue of record, is incident to every manor, and cannot be severed therefrom. It was ordained for the maintenance of the services and duties stipulated for by lords of manors, and for the purpose of determining actions of a personal nature. where the debt or damage was… Continue Reading COURT-BARON

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A court of high antiquity in England, incident to the jurisdiction of the sheriff. It is not a court of record, but may hold pleas of debt or damages, under the value of forty shillings. The freeholders of the county (anciently termed the “suitors” of the court) are the real judges in this court, and… Continue Reading COUNTY COURT

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A species of estate at will, or customary estate in England, the only visible title to which consists of the copies of the court rolls, which are made out by the steward of the manor, on a tenant’s being admitted to any parcel of land, or tenement belonging to the manor. It is an estate… Continue Reading COPYHOLD

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Before the peers or freeholders. The attestation of deeds, like all other solemn transactions, was originally done only coram paribus. 2 Bl. Comm. 307. Coram paribus de vicineto. before the peers or freeholders of the neighborhood. Id. 315. Coram sectatoribns. Before the suitors. Cro. Jac. 582

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