An estate limited to take effect in possession, or inenjoyment, or in both, subject only to any term of years or contingent interest that mayIntervene, immediately after the regular expiration of a particular estate of freeholdpreviously created together with it, by the same instrument, out of the same subject ofproperty. 2 Fearne. Rem.

Categories: E


A species of freehold estate in lands, otherwise called a”fee,” where the tenant is not only entitled to enjoy the land for his own life, but where,after his death, it is cast by the law upon the persons who successively represent him inperpetuum, in right of blood, according to a certain established order of descent… Continue Reading ESTATE OF INHERITANCE

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A species of estate less than freehold, where lands and tenementsare let by one man to another, to have and to hold at the will of the lessor; and thetenant by force of this lease obtains possession. 2 Bl. Comm. 145; 4 Kent, Comm. 110;Litt.

Categories: E


A freehold estate, out of inheritance, but which is held bythe tenant for his own life or tlie life or lives of one or more other persons, or for an indefiniteperiod, which may endure for the life or lives of persons in being, and not beyondthe period of a life. 1 Washb. Real Prop. S8.

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A species of estate less than freehold, where a man has aninterest in lands and tenements, and a possession thereof, by virtue of such interest,for some fixed and determinate period of time; as in the case where lands are let forthe term of a certain number of years, agreed upon between the lessor and tlie… Continue Reading ESTATE FOR YEARS

Categories: E


The act of making free; giving a franchise or freedom to;investiture with privileges or capacities of freedom, or municipal or political liberty.Admission to the freedom of a city; admission to political rights, and particularly theright of suffrage. Anciently, the acquisition of freedom by a villein from his lord.The word is now used principally either of… Continue Reading ENFRANCHISEMENT

Categories: E


In English law. The conversion of copyhold intofreehold tenure, by a conveyance of the fee- simple of the property from the lord of themanor to the copyholder, or by a release from the lord of all seigniorial rights, etc.,which destroys the customary descent, and also all rights and privileges annexed to thecopyholder’s estate. 1 Watk.… Continue Reading ENFRANCHISEMENT OF COPYHOLDS

Categories: E


(Lat. lie has chosen.) This is the name, in English practice, of a writ ofexecution first given by the statute of Westm. 2 (13 Edw. I. c. IS) either upon ajudgment for a debt or damages or upon the forfeiture of a recognizance taken in theking’s court. It is so called because it is in… Continue Reading ELEGIT

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To merge or sink. “In some cases a right of freehold shall drown In a chattel.” Co. Litt 266a, 321a.

Categories: D


This was when a common recovery was had, and an estate of freehold was first conveyed to anyindifferent person against whom the prcccipe was brought, and then he vouched thetenant in tail, who vouched over the common vouchee. For, if a recovery were had immediatelyagainst a tenant in tail, it barred only the estate in… Continue Reading DOUBLE VOUCHER

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