the term that si given to the extra damages that are awarded to a plaintiff over the loss of his property after considerations of the circumstances.

Categories: S


Socage tenure, in Engluud, is the holdiug of certain lauds in consideration of certain inferior services of husbandry to be performed by the teuant to the lord ol the tee. “Socage,” in its most general aud extensive signilicatiou, seems to deuole a tenure by any certain aud determinate service. And iu this sense it is… Continue Reading SOCAGE

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To show cause against a rule nisi, an order, decree, execution, etc., is to appear as directed, and present to the court such reasons and considerations as one has to offer why it should not be confirmed, take effect, be executed, or as the case may be.

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In contracts. The being employed to serve another; duty or labor to be rendered by one person to another. The term is used also for employment in one of the offices, departments, or agencies of the government; as in the phrases Òcivil service,Ó Òpublic service,Ó etc. In feudal law. Service was the consideration which the… Continue Reading SERVICE

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Known as sales driven expenses. These are the variable operating expenses that are associated with changes in volume of sales. Not listed seperately in accounts but taken into consideration.

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A recompense or consideration made to a person for his pains and industry in another personÕs business; also wages, stipend, or annual allowance. Cowell. A fixed periodical compensation to be paid for services rendered; a stated compensation, amounting to so much by the year, month, or other fixed period, to be paid to public officers… Continue Reading SALARY

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A reconsideration; second view or examination; revision ; consideration for purposes of correction. Used especially of the examination of a cause by an appellate court, and of a second investigation of a proposed public road by a jury of viewers. See Weehawken Wharf Co. v. Knickerbocker Coal Co., 25 Misc. Rep. 309, 54 N. Y.… Continue Reading REVIEW

Categories: R


grantor creates, and reserves to himself, some right, interest, or profit in the estate granted, which had no previous existence as such, but is first called into being by the instrument reserving it; such as rent, or an easement Stephens v. Reynolds, 6 N. Y. 458; In re Narragansett Indians, 20 It. I. 715, 40… Continue Reading RESIDUARY

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A clause in a collective bargaining contract providing for a reconsideration of an issue (as wages) during the life of the contract

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Reward; recompense; salary. Dig. 17, 1, 7. The word “remuneration” means a quid pro quo. If a man gives his services, whatever consideration he gets for giving his services seems ‘to me a remuneration for them. Consequently, I think, if a person was in the receipt of a payment, or in the receipt of a… Continue Reading REMUNERATION

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