An heir; a person entitled to share in the distribution of au estate.This term is admissible to denote one of the persons who are entitled, under the statuteof distributions, to the personal estate of one who is dead intestate. Henry v. Ilenry, 31N. C. 27S; Kitchen v. Southern lty., 68 S. C. 554, 48 S.… Continue Reading DISTRIBUTEE

Categories: D


In practice. The apportionment and division, under authority of acourt, of the remainder of the estate of an intestate, after payment of the debts andcharges, among those who are legally entitled to share in the same. Rogers v. (iil- lett,56 Iowa, 266, 9 N. W. 204; William Hill Co. v. Lawler, 116 Cal. 359, 4S… Continue Reading DISTRIBUTION

Categories: D


The share or portion which a given heir receives on the legal distribution of an intestate estate, People v. Beckwith,10 N. Y. St. Itep. 97; Page v. Rives, 18 Fed. Cas. 992. Sometimes, by an extension ofmeaning, the share or portion assigned to a given person on the distribution of anyestate or fund, as, under… Continue Reading DISTRIBUTIVE SHARE

Categories: D


The devolving of realty upon the heir on the death of his ancestor intestate.

Categories: D


A deceased person; one who has lately died. Etymologically the word denotes a person who is dying, but it has come to be used in law as signifying any defunct person, (testate or intestate,) but always with reference to the settlement of his estate or the execution of his will. In re Zeph’s Estate, 50… Continue Reading DECEDENT

Categories: D


Of the goods of the testator, or intestate. A term applied to a judgment awarding execution against the property of a testator or intestate, as distinguished from the individual property of his executor or administrator. 2 Archb. Tr. K. B. 14S, 149.

Categories: D


The management and settlement of the estate of an intestate, or of a testator who has no executor, performed under the supervision of a court, by a person duly qualified and legally appointed, and usually involving (1) the collection of the decedentÕs assets; (2) payment of debts and claims against him and expenses ; (3)… Continue Reading ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES

Categories: A


A tax levied upon the collateral devolution of property by will or under the intestate law. In re Bittin- ger’s Estate, 129 Pa. &38. 18 Atl. 132; Strode v. Com., 52 Pa. 181

Categories: C


By heads; by the poll; as individuals. In the distribution of an intestate’s personalty, the persons legally entitled to take are said to take per capita when they claim, each in his own right, as in equal degree of kindred ; in contradistinction to claiming by right of representation, or per stirpes.

Categories: C


That portion of an intestate’s effects which his children were entitled to by the custom of London. This custom appears to have been a remnant of what was once a general law all over England. namely, that a father should not by his will bequeath the entirety of his personal estate away from his family,… Continue Reading ORPHANAGE PART

Categories: O