In Scotch law. An entail. A tailzied fee is that which the owner, by exer- cising his inherent right of disposing of his property, settles upon others than those to whom it would have descended by law. 1 Forb. Inst, pt 2, p. 101.

Categories: T


A writ which lies for the recovery of an estate by a personclaiming as issue in tail, or by the remainder-man or reversioner after thetermination of the entail. See FORMEDON.

Categories: T


In the civil law. The putting one person in place of another; particularly, the act of a testator in naming a second devisee or legatee who is to take the bequest either on failure of the original devisee or legatee or after him. In Scotch law. The enumeration or designation of the heirs in a… Continue Reading SUBSTITUTION

Categories: S


Also known as a recognition test, a readership test entails asking a random sample of readers of they read a specific advertisement that was included in a particular issue of the publication.

Categories: R


ology to indicate that one subject resembles another, with which it Is compared, in cer- tain characteristics, but that there are also intrinsic differences between them. It is exclusively a term of classification. Prefixed to a term of Roman law, it implies that the conception to which it serves as an index is connected with… Continue Reading QUERELA INOFFICIOSI

Categories: Q


The derivation of a solution by working through the details that are entailed in the problem. The employment of systematic or mathematical operations to derive the solution are used in problem and is a good measure of the critical thinking skills of an individual.

Categories: P


In the mudaraba, this is a manager who shares in the profits once the work is begun by the contracted individual. This manager provides the management, business acumen, and the products/services the business entails, and is typically the entrepreneur rather than the financier.

Categories: M


A qualification of a man’s legal status produced by his conviction of an infamous crime and the consequent loss of honor and credit, which, at common law, rendered him incompetent as a witness, and by statute in some jurisdictions entails oth- er disabilities. McCafferty v. Guyer, 59 Pa. 110; Ex parte Wilson, 114 U. S.… Continue Reading INFAMY

Categories: I


An estate tail; an estate of inheritance given to a man and the heirs of hisbody, or limited to certain classes of particular heirs. It corresponds to the fciiiluintallialum of the feudal law, and the idea is believed to have been borrowed from theRoman law, where, by way of fidei cimiininsu, lands might be entailed… Continue Reading FEE-TAIL

Categories: F


Admitting of excuse or palliation. As used in the law, this word impliesthat the act or omission spoken of is on Its face unlawful, wrong, or liable to entail lossor disadvantage on the person chargeable, but that the circumstances attending it weresuch as to constitute a legal “excuse” for it, that is. a legal reason… Continue Reading EXCUSABLE

Categories: E