In the Civil law. Ignominy; infamy; shame. Optima est legis interpres consuetudo. Custom is the best interpreter of the law. Dig. 1, 3, 37; Broom, Max. 931; Lofft, 237. Optima est lex quae minimum relinquit arbitrio judicis; optimus judex qui minimum sibi. That law is the best which leaves least to the discretion of the judge; that judge is the best who leaves least to his own. Bac. Aphorisms, 46; 2 Dwar. St. 782. That system of law is best which confides as litt>e as possible to the discretion of the judge; that judge the best who relies as little as possible on his own opinion. Broom, Max. 84; 1 Kent, Comm. 47a Optima statuti interpretatrix est (omnibus particulis ejusdem inspectis) ip- sum statutum. The best interpreter of a statute is (all its parts beiug considered) the statute itself. Wing. Max. p. 239, max. OS; 8 Coke, 1176.

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