Lat. A naked pact; a bare agreement; a promise or undertaking made without any consideration for it Justice v. Lang. 42 N. Y. 493, 1 Am. Rep. 576; Wardell v. Williams, 62 Mich. 50, 28 N. W. 800, 4 Am. St. Rep. 814. Nudum pactum est nbi nulla snbest causa prseter conventionem; sed nbi snbest causa, fit obligatio, et parit actionem. A naked contract is where there Is no consideration except the agreement; but, where there is a consideration, it becomes an obligation and gives a right of action. Plowd. 309; Broom, Max. 745, 750. Nudum pactum ex quo non oritur actio. Nudum pactum is that upon which no action arises. Cod. 2, 3, 10; Id. 5, 14, 1; Broom, Max. 676.

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