lawful assistance. Bayard v. McLanc, 3 liar. (Del.) 208. “Maintenance,” at common law, signifies an unlawful taking in hand or upholding of quarrels or sides, to the disturbance or hindrance of common right. The maintaining of one side, in consideration of some bargain to have part of the thing in dispute, is called “champerty.” Champerty, therefore, is a species of maintenance. Richardson v. Rowland, 40 Conn. 570. And see also. Oilman v. Jones, 87 Ala. 091, 5 South. 785, 4 L. R. A. 113: Brown v. Beau- champ. 5 T. B. Mon. (Ky.) 413. 17 Am. Dec. 81: Gowen v. Nowell. 1 Me. 292; Vaughan v. Marable, 04 Ala. 00; Thurston v. Percivai, 1 Pick. (Mass.) 415; Hovey v. Hobson. 51, Me. 02; Quigley v. Thompson, 53 Ind. 320. MAIOR. An old form of “mayor.”

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