In Norman and old English law, this was the title of the officer in amonastery charged with the entertainment of guests. It was also applied (until aboutthe time of Queen Elizabeth) to an innkeeper, and afterwards, when the keeping ofhorses at livery became a distinct occupation, to the keeper of a livery stable, and then(under the modern form “ostler”) to the groom in charge of the stables of an inn.Cromwell v. Stephens, 2 Daly (N. Y.) 20. In tlie language of railroading, an “ostler” or”hostler” at a roundhouse is one whose duty it is to receive locomotives as they come infrom tlie road, care for them in the roundhouse, and have them cleaned and ready fordeparture when wanted. Railroad Co. v. Mas- sig, 50 111. App. 000; Railroad Co. v.Ashling, 34 111. App. 105; Grannis v. Railroad Co., 81 Iowa, 444, 40 N. W. 1007.

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