A traveler who lodges at an inn or tavern with the consent of the keeper.Bac. Abr. “Inns,” C, 5; 8 Coke, 32; Mc- Daniels v. Robinson, 20 Vt. 310, 02 Am. Dec.574; Johnson v. Reynolds, 3 Ivau. 201;Shoecraft v. Railey, 25 Iowa, 555; Beale v. I’osey, 72 Ala. 331; Walling v. Potter, 35 Conn. 1S5.A guest, as distinguished from a boarder, is bound for no stipulated time. lie stopsat the inn for as short or as long time as he pleases, paying, while he remains, the customarycharge. Stewart v. McCready, 24 How. Frac. (X. Y.) 02.

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