1. Valid; sufficient in law; effectual ; unobjectionable.2. Responsible; solvent; able to pay an amount specified.3. Of a value corresponding with its terms; collectible. A note is said to be “good”when the payment of it at maturity may be relied on. Curtis v. Smallman, 14 Wend. (N.Y.) 232; Cooke v. Nathan, 16 Barb. (N. Y.) 344.Writing the word “Good” across the face of a check is the customary mode in whichbankers at the present day certify that the drawer has funds to meet it. and that it willbe paid on presentation for that purpose. Merchants’ Nat. Bank v. State Nat. Bank, 10Wall. 645. 19 L. Ed. 100S; Irving Bank v. Wetherald. 36 N. Y. 335.–GOOD ABEARING. See ABEARANCE.–GOOD AND LAWFUL MEN. Those who are not disqualifiedfor service on juries by non-age, alienage. infamy, or lunacy, and who reside in thecounty of the venue. Bonds v. State, Mart. & Y. (Tenn.) 146, 17 Am. Dec. 795; State v.Price, 11 N. J. Law, 200.–GOOD AND VALID. Reliable, sufficient, and unimpeachable inlaw; adequate: responsible.–GOOD BEHAVIOR. Orderly and lawful conduct; behavior suchas is proper for a peaceable and law-abiding citizen. Surety of good behavior may beexacted from any one who manifests an intention to commit crime or is otherwisereasonably suspected of a criminal design. Huyser v. Com., 76 S. W. 175, 25 Ky. Law Rep. CDS: In re Spenser, 22 Fed. Cas. 021..–GOOD CONSIDERATION. As distinguished from valuable consideration, a consideration founded on motives ofgenerosity, prudence, and natural duty; such as natural love and affection. Potter v.Gracie. 5S Ala.

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