In reference to judicial and quasi judicial proceedings, the “event” meansthe conclusion, end, or final outcome or result of a litigation; as, in the phrase “abidethe event,” speaking of costs or of an agreement that one suit shall be governed by thedetermination in another. Reeves v. McGregor, 9 Adol. & El. 576; Benjamin v. Ver Nooy.16.S N. Y. 578, 61 N. E. 971; Commercial Union Assur. Co. v. Scammon, 35 111. App.660.Eventus est qui ex causa sequitur; et dicitur eventus quia ex causis evenit.9 Coke, 81. An event is that which follows from the cause, and is called an “event”because it eventuates from causesEventus varios res nova semper ha- bet. Co. Litt 379. A new matter always producesvarious events.

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