The act of disfranchising. The act of depriving a member of acorporation of his right as such, by expulsion. 1 Bouv. Inst. no. 102. Richards v.Clarksburg, 30 W. Va. 401, 4 S. E. 774; White v. Brovvnell, 4 Abb. Prac. (N. S.) (N. Y.) 192.It differs from amotion, (q. v.) which is applicable to the removal of an officer fromodice. leaving him his rights as a member. Willeock, Mun. Corp. no. 70S; Ang. & A. Corp. 237.In a more popular sense, the taking away of the elective franchise (that is, the rightof voting in public elections) from any citizen or class of citizens.

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