UNSECURED CREDIT Credit that is extended on the borrowers promise to pay. There is no collateral kept as security.
UNSECURED DEBT A debt borrowed with no collateral. The repayment comes from the debtors pocket. This is only given to those with a high credit rating. Refer to secured debt.
UNSECURED LENDER Lender advancing loans based on a signature with no charge on the assets of the borrower.
UNREALIZED PROFIT/LOSS Paper profit or loss not becoming actual until the asset is sold, disposed of or redeemed. Also known as unrealized gain/loss.
UNREASONABLE RATES These are the fees charged that are out of line with the accepted charges for a service rendered.
UNREASONABLE RESTRAINT OF TRADE These are the practices that will interfere or do away with a free trade.
UNREASONABLE RISK Adverse effect to people and the environment by a biocide and considering the economic, medical, environmental costs.