Lat. The king. The king regarded as the party prosecuting in a criminal action; as in the form of entitling such actions, “Rex v. Doe.” Rex debet esse sub lege quia lex facit rerem. The king ought to be under the law, because the law makes the king. 1 Bl. Comm. 239. Rex est legalis et politicus. Lane, 27. The kiug is both a legal and political person. Rex est lex vivens. Jenk. Cent. 17. The king is the living law. Rex est major singulis, minor uni- versis. Bract. 1. 1, c. 8. The king is greater than any single person, less than all. Rex hoc solum non potest faccre quod non potest injuste agere. 11 Coke, 72. The king can do everything but an injustice. Rex non debit esse snb liomine, sed sub Deo et sub lege, quia lex facit re- gem. Bract, fol. 5. The king ought to be under no man, but under God and the law, because the law makes a king. Broom, Max. 47. Rex non potest peccare. The king cannot do wrong; the king can do no wrong. 2 Bolle, 304. An ancient and fundamental principle of the English constitution. Jenk. Cent. p. 9, case 10; 1 Bl. Comm. 240. Rex nunquam moritur. The king never dies. Broom, Max. 50; Branch, Max. (5th Ed.) 197; 1 Bl. Comm. 249.

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The use of equity in a home to provide a lione of credit.

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judgment, by lapse of time, or change by dentil, etc., of the parties entitled or liable to execution, the party alleging himself to be entitled to execution might sue out a writ of revivor in the form given in the act, or apply to the court for leave to enter a suggestion upon the roll that it appeared that he was entitled to have and issue execution of the judgment, such leave to be granted by the court or a judge upon a rule to show cause, or a summons, to be served according to the then present practice. C. L. P. Act, 1852,

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The relative change in the cost of an option making it a risk free rate holding all other variables constant. Refer to delta, gamma, theta, greeks, and vega.

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A piece of gold coin current for 10s.. in 1 lie reign of Henry VI., at which time there were half-rials and quarter-rials or rial- fartliings. In the beginning of Queen Eliza- beth’s reign, golden rials were coined at 15s. a piece; and in the time of James I. there were rose-rials of gold at 30s. and spur-rials at 15s. Lown. Essay Coins, 38.

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A rogue; vagrant; whoremonger ; a person given to all manner of wickedness. Cowell.

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Associations or secret societies formed in Ireland, having for their object the dispossession of landlords by murder and fire-raising. Wharton.

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When a holding is at its highest price and a firm will benefit from selling it.

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An advertisement on the internet that contains an animation, flashing colours, audio and other range of enhancements.

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Developed by Microsoft it is a standard that is compatible with all word processors and allows exchange of digital documents.

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