RISK RETENTION GROUP The spreading of exposure by combining firms with similar risk factors by risk pooling. Similar to group captive this is a retention vehicle.
RISK RETENTION GROUPS Liablity insurance held by the policy holders.All policy holders will be in the same business and exposed to the same level of risks.
RISK MITIGATION A reduction, systematic in nature, of exposure to risks and the possibility of its occurence. Called risk reduction.
RISK MONITORING The tracking and reporting of exposures to risk to external stakeholders. Refer to risk identification, risk management, and risk quantification.
RISK OF LOSS The chance of bearing the costs that are associated with destruction, damage or the inability of locating goods, documents and other property.
RISK FINANCING A delay in the funding of losses until they are more affordable instead of transferring them to a third party. Refer to finite insurance contract and finite reinsurance.