A person to whom the business of selling by auction was confined by statute. 2 H. Bl. 557.

The Saxon thanes divided their hereditary lands into inland, such as lay nearest their dwelling, which they kept to their owu use, and outland, which lay be- yond the demesnes, and was granted out to tenants, at the will of the lord, like copy- hold estates. This outland they subdivided into two parts. One part they disposed among those who attended their persons, called “theodans,” or lesser thanes; the other part they allotted to their husbandmen, or churls. Jacob.
In English law. A process by which a defendant or person in contempt on a civil or criminal process was declared an outlaw. If for treason or felony, it amounted to conviction and attainder. Stim. Law Gloss. See Respublica v. Doan, 1 Dall. (Pa.) 86, 1 L. Ed. 47; Dale County v. Gunter, 46 Ala. 138; Drew v. Drew, 37 Me. 391.
In the English courts, barristers at law have been divided into two classes, viz., king’s counsel, who are admitted within the bar of the courts, in seats specially reserved for themselves, and junior counsel, who sit without the bar; and the latter are thence frequently termed barristers of the “outer bar,” or “utter bar,” in con- tradistinction to the former class. Brown.