A clause in a business sale transaction that denies access to the seller from conducting a similar business in the specified area for a certain period of time, usually three years.

Lack of requisite legal age. The condition of a person who is under twen- ty-one years of age, in some cases, and under fourteen or twelve in others; minority. Non alio modo puniatnr aliqnis quam secundum quod se babet condemnatio. 3 Inst. 217. A person may not be punished differently than according to what the sentence enjoins. Non aliter a signiflcatione verborum recedi oportet quam cum manifestum est, aliud sensisse testatorem. We must never depart from the signification of words, unless It is evident that they are not conformable to the will of the testator. Dig. 32, 69, pr.; Broom, Max. 508.