A term sometimes applied to a will which authorizes the executor to settle and distribute the estate without the intervention of the court and without giving bond. In re Macdonald’s Estate, 29 Wash. 422, 69 Pac. 1111.
One on which process cannot ordinarily issue or be served or returned and on which the courts do not ordinarily sit. Whitney v. Blackburn, 17 Or. 564. 21 Pac. 874, 11 Am. St. Rep. 857. More proi>- erly “nonjuridical day.”
An agreement between two parties that prohibits criticism by one party on the other. Usually used in the settlement contract in an employment or dispute settlement.
In the event of any foreclosure action against the landlord, this agreement between the tenant and the landlord’s lender ensures that the tenant is not robbed of possession of his leased party. The tenant is then expected to pay rent to the lender directly.