One time sales of assets, or insurance settlements that are unique in nature and unlikely to occur again during the normal course of operation for a business.

1. General: The intention to be liable to one’s obligation according to a contract and expect the the obligee to honor the contract with performance deliverence. 2. Electronic Commerce: Be liable to the submission or receipt of an electronic message. It protects the sender from falsifying testaments from the receiver with regards to the receipt of the electronic message or vice versa. Non repudiation is usually set by a data transfer protocol and as such involves several security and legal criteria.
the writ by reason of any liberty, because there are many liberties or districts in which the sheriff has no power to execute process unless he has special authority. 2 Steph. Comm. 630. Non omne damnnm inducit injnriam. It is not every loss that produces an injury. Bract, fol. 45b. Non omnc qnod licet honestum est. It is not everything which is permitted that is honorable. Dig. 50, 17, 144; Howell v. Baker, 4 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 121. Non omninm quae a majoribus nostris constituta sunt ratio reddi potest. There cannot be given a reason for all the things which have been established by our ancestors. Branch, Princ.; 4 Coke, 78; Broom, Max. 157.