In English law. A name given to the statute 3 Geo. III. c. 16, because that act. in contravention of the maxim “Nullum tempus occurrit regi,” (no lapse of time liars the king.) limited the crown’s right to sue, etc., to the period of sixty years. Nullum tempus aut locus occurrit regi. No time or place affects the king. 2 Inst. 273; Jenk. Cent 83; Broom. Max. 60. Nullum tempus occurritreipublicae. No time runs [time does notrun] against the commonwealth or state.Levasser v. Washburn, 11 Grat. (Va.) 072. Nullus alius quam rez possit episcopo deuiazularc inquisitionem facicndam. Co. Litt. 134. No other than the king can command the bishop to make an inquisition. Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria. No one can obtain an advantage by his own wrong. Co. Litt 148; Broom. Max. 279. Nullns debet agere de dolo, ubi alia actio subest. Where another form of action is given, no one ought to sue in the action de dolo. 7 Coke, 92. Nullus dicitur accessorius post felo- niam, sed ille qui novit principnlera fcloniam fecisse, et illnm reccptavit et comfortavit. 3 Inst. 13S. No one is called an “accessary” after the fact but lie who knew the principal to have committed a felony, and received and comforted him. Nullus dicitur felo principalis nisi actor, ant qui pracsens est, abcttans aut anxilians ad feloniam faciendam. No one is called a “principal felon” except the party actually committing the felony, or the NULLUS IDONEUS TESTIS 838 NUPER OB1IT party present aiding and abetting in its commission. Nullus idoneus testis in re sua intel- ligitur. No person is understood to be a competent witness in his own cause. Dig. 22. 5, 10. Nullus jus alienum forisfacere potest. No man can forfeit another’s right. Fleta, lib. 1, c. 28, | 11. Nullus recedat e curia cancellaria sine remedio. No person should depart from the court of chancery without a remedy. 4 Hen. VII. 4; Branch, Princ. Nullus simile est idem, nisi quatuor pedibus currit. No like is exactly identical unless it runs on all fours. Nullus videtur dolo facere qui suo jure utitur. No one is considered to act with guile who uses his own right Dig. 50, 17, 55; Broom, Max. 130.

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Traffic at fairs and markets; any buying and selling. Nunquam crescit ex postfacto prae- teriti delicti sestimatio. The character of a past offense is never aggravated by a subsequent act or matter. Dig. 50, 17, 139. 1; Bac. Max. p. 38, reg. 8; Broom, Max. 42. Nunquam decurritnr ad extraordina- rium sed ubi deficit ordinarium. We are never to resort to what is extraordinary, but [until] what is ordinary fails. 4 Inst 84. Nunquam fictio sine lege. There is no Action without law.

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The average number of days that an item spends as a part of an inventory, expressed as a ratio. It is used to determine the quality of inventory control and thus is a good measure in determining the company’s operating cycle. It is the product of the number of days in a year and the number of units in the inventory. The yearly usage is expressed in number of units.

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Lat. In the civil and old English law. A fair. In nundinis et mer- catis, In fairs and markets. Bract, fol. 56.

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The allocation of a unique number to identify an account holder instead of his name. All banks follow this system of allocation and reference.

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1. Economics: A commodity that is the basis on which the prices of all other commodities are measured. 2. Finance: The currency that is the basis of expression for all other currencies.

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Lat. In the civil law. Money told or counted; money paid by tale. Inst 3, 24, 2; Bract, fol. 35.

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The probability that an item will fulfill its operations for the duration specified without being spoilt.

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The determination of the policy rate for the insured who falls below standards. A value of 100 is assigned to an insured who meets standards stated on the policy. Depending on impairments or injuries, a value is then assigned to the substandard insured.

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he price of anything in money, as denariata is the price of a thing by computation of pence, and librata of pounds.

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